Hot Stuff
This was our entertainer / chef at the TJSH (Tokyo Japanese Steak House) down in old town Alexandria this past weekend. These guys are always entertaining.
A living collection of photographs focused on people that inhabit our world or other worlds we visit.
Fantastic shot. Love the color and the play between the cook and the flame. Really fun.
greta capture mate.
It's great that I stumbled upon your blog. I'd really like to do something like this in the future; taking pictures. But if I can ask, do I have to ask for these strangers permission to post their pictures, say on a blog or on a media of some kind?
I love watching these guys--I am always impressed by them because they make it look completely effortless.
FYI, to rina...
Since this blog is intended as an artistic expression rather than a commercial endeavor, we do not seek permission from the subjects we photograph. These subjects are out in public spaces, and I think we've been very careful to avoid ridiculing or exploiting anyone.
If our blog was generating revenue, then our purposes would be commercial, and the equation would change, and we would have to get permission.
Thats my bubble-gum-law explanation.
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